Our tongues are the smallest members of our bodies, but the largest troublemakers. The tongue is contained in our mouth and surrounded by our lips and teeth, and yet it escapes. If we are to bear evidence of a genuine saving faith, it must be controlled. Hypocrisy in our hearts is exposed by our speech. The unsaved world in which we live should listen to our speech and know that we are different.
Up Next in In The School Of Tested Faith: An Exposition Through James
Wisdom From Above Or From Below?
Godly wisdom is another test to determine if we are genuinely in the faith. We all reap what we sow. Some of us are reaping havoc by the ungodly wisdom we have sown. Others of us are reaping a righteous harvest by the godly wisdom we have sown. What about you?
Wars And Worldliness
Some may have an erroneous idea of worldliness. Some might say worldliness is going to movies, watching television, having a tattoo, wearing too much jewelry or flashy clothes and so on. James, however, approaches the matter of worldliness differently.
The Remedy For Worldliness
Does your life reflect a complete devotion to God? What would that look like? How would I know if I fell short? James helps us examine ourselves in the light of our test against Worldliness.