Have you ever wondered what a Godly life really looks like? Does godliness mean we go to church, read our Bible, pray, memorize some scripture, evangelize, tithe, fellowship with other believers, use our spiritual gifts and the like? What is genuine godliness? Godly living according to Paul as inspired by the Holy Spirit as he wrote 2 Timothy is a tad different than we might think and may be a surprise to some.
Up Next in Holding Fast To The Truth: An Exposition Through 2nd Timothy
The Importance Of The Holy Scriptures
Paul has been instructing young Timothy regarding the example he has to follow from Paul’s life. Timothy not only had Paul’s example to follow, but he also had the examples of his mother and grandmother who taught him the Holy Scriptures from a child. And He also has the negative example of evil ...
The Gracious Gift Of The Word Of God!
Do you believe the Scriptures are God-breathed and sufficient for life and godliness? Are you “going” anywhere else but to the One who has the words which are sufficient, authoritative, and inerrant?
Pertinent Truths Required In A Post T...
Discover the two motivating factors for obeying the eight truths that Paul gives his young disciple Timothy, and to us as we study 2 Timothy 4:1-5