Crazy Bible
Feature Films from Ray Comfort & Living Waters
The Bible is full of crazy stories...things that sound like fairy tales on par with Cinderella's coach turning into a pumpkin at midnight.
Up Next in Feature Films from Ray Comfort & Living Waters
Dogs Can Talk
A man is a dog’s best friend. Well, it is in Ray Comfort’s case. Every human being should have a canine. Especially if you’re a Christian (Ray’s dog put his evangelism on steroids). And your dog can do the same for you. If you don’t believe that, I think you will after watching “Dogs Can Talk.”
The REAL Reason For Mass Shootings
Every time there’s a school shooting, the world brings in its experts who add nothing but confusion as to what all these killers have in common. This eye-opening video stops the confusion.
7 Reasons
Is it okay to abort a baby? What would you say? People give many reasons why abortion is an acceptable choice, including:
The inconvenience of pregnancy
Incompetence of parents
Infant disabilities
It’s the woman’s body
It’s not a baby
Rape or incest
She’s not ready to be a parent
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