A Musical Journey On The Danube 2
The Joy Of Music with Diane Bish
Diane Bish travels by Riverboat beginning inHungary and ending in Prague. Enjoying the sights along the way, our group visits Esztergom, Hungary, Nuremburg, Germany, the massive Melk Monastery and the Czech Republic with the many Christmas Markets along the way. Special guests are trumpeters Gyorgy Geigerand Laszlo Preda. Music includes: G.Pierne “Toccata”, Diane’s arrangement of “Amazing Grace”, “Doxology” andHandel’s “Hallelujah Chorus”.
Up Next in The Joy Of Music with Diane Bish
A Musical Visit To Amsterdam
Music For Brass And Organ Featuring T...
Tim Zimmerman & The King’s Brass join Diane in a program from Moorings Presbyterian Church in Naples Florida. Diane plays J. Rutter’s “Toccata in 7”; D.Bedard’s “French Noel “Il est Ne” and is joined by The King’s Brass in aLuther/Marvin arrangement of “A Mighty Fortress”; G. F. Handel’s “Unto ...
Music On The Rhine River
Join Diane Bish as she travels along the beautiful Rhine River and plays historic organs: St. Urban Monastery,Switzerland; St. Thomas in Strasbourg, France; the Jesuit Church in Heidelberg, Germany and St. Kastor Church in Koblenz, Germany. Music: the Traditional “O Come, O ComeEmmanuel”; Marcel...