"War On Religious Liberties" - Phyllis Schlafly
Steeling The Mind Bible Conferences
ObamaCare has been ruled legal and the floodgates are now open. Christians, businesses and churches being forced to pay for abortions and contraceptives is only the beginning. Does religious liberty still exist in America?
Up Next in Steeling The Mind Bible Conferences
"Seduction Of Christianity" - Dave Hunt
As we suspected, this was a message that needed repeating. Based on his 1980s best-selling book by the same name, Dave shows us how even the smallest, seemingly insignificant compromise ultimately is a victory for Satan.
"The Case For Jesus' Resurrection" - ...
Christianity stands on the truth of the resurrection. A great study by the world's leading expert on the overwhelming evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.
"A Mind Bending Walk Through Revelati...
Dr. Andy Woods takes us on a walk through one of the most action-packed chapters in the entire Bible. Israel, the Messiah, Satan’s crash to earth, Jesus in the Tribulation and Israel’s worst day in the history of the earth, are all covered.