Ambushed - Harvest Productions (English)
In Ambushed, the third in the Dudley Dumpling Series, Gramps and Dudley arrive in the Old West town of Armor. They meet Peewee and Amanda and through a series of adventures, learn about putting on Spiritual armor!
God's Warrior: Dudley Dumpling - Harvest Productions (English)
The Dudley Dumpling films integrate puppets and people to teach spiritual truth.
Three Hebrews
The Philippian Jailer
The Lost Sheep
Naaman the Leper
Feeding the Five Thousand
Samuel's Call
Puppet Castle: David and Goliath
Puppet Castle: Jonah and the Whale
We've A Story To Tell - Harvest Productions (English)
The Dudley Dumpling films integrate puppets and people to teach spiritual truth. In We’ve a Story To Tell, Dudley shares with talk-show-host, Floyd, the lessons he learned on his round-the-world trip with Gramps.