Jimmy DeYoung - Introduction to Bible Prophecy
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David James, Jimmy DeYoung Jr, and Jimmy DeYoung Sr team up to introduce the students to the subject of Bible Prophecy
The Feasts of God with Jimmy DeYoung
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Four Major Trends of Bible Prophecy
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Jerusalem in Bible Prophecy by Jimmy DeYoung
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The Kingdom: Now, or Yet to Come? by Jimmy DeYoung
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Chattanooga Prophecy Conference – Fall, 2015
Prophecy Through the Bible, Part 2
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Revelation: A Chronological Study by Jimmy DeYoung
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Presented at the School of the Prophets
Hermeneutics: How to Study and Interpret the Prophetic Word
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by David James, presented at Jimmy DeYoung's Chattanooga Prophecy Conference – Spring, 2016
Signs, Wonders, and the Charismatic Movement
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By David James, Chattanooga Prophecy Conference – Fall, 2015
Word Of Life 2020 Conference with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung
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Delivered at Word of Life Florida, 2020