Proclaiming the Gospel with Mike Gendron
Mike was a strong defender of his Catholic faith for over 35 years. In 1982 when he began reading the Bible for the first time he realized he was woefully deceived about life's most critical issue. His Catholic teaching contradicted the Bible on the doctrines of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christi alone. During Mike's crisis of faith he realized the Bible, as the inspired, infallible inerrant Word of God, must be his supreme authority in all matters of faith. His crisis ended when he repented of the Catholic teachings that were opposed to the Bible and trusted Christ alone as his all-sufficient Savior. Mike left the Catholic Church in 1984 and began worshipping God in Spirit and truth at an independent Bible Church in Dallas.
From Darkness to Light
Mike Gendron's Testimony
Identifying False Teachers
by Mike Gendron
Satan's Attacks On The Christian Faith
by Mike Gendron
Hard Questions For Good Catholics
by Mike Gendron
Contending for the Purity of the Gospel
by Mike Gendron
Why are Evangelicals Reversing the Reformation?
by Mike Gendrono
Why Evangelize if God Has Already Chosen?
By Mike Gendron
Why Should Anyone Believe the Bible?
by Mike Gendron
Witnessing for the Glory of God
by Mike Gendron
Fishers of Men
by Mike Gendron
I'm a Christian and You're a Catholic - So What's the Difference?
by Mike Gendron
Which Gospel Do You Believe?
by Mike Gendron
Where Will You Spend Eternity
by Mike Gendron
True Faith or False Hope How Can I Be Sure
by Mike Gendron
The Supreme Authority for Truth
by Mike Gendron
The Best Kept Secret in the Church
by Mike Gendron
Rescuing Loved Ones from God's Wrath
by Mike Gendron
Mystery Spiritual Babylon
by Mike Gendron
Catholicism's Drift into Apostasy
by Mike Gendron
False Converts in the Church
by Mike Gendron
Death of Discernment
by Mike Gendron
The Controversial Bread of Life
Presented by Mike Gendron