God established America with a purpose in mind - to have the prophetic scenario of God's Word come to fulfillment. But the United States is not mentioned in Bible prophecy. Since America is not mentioned in Bible prophecy, we must ask a question - How does America disappear?
Filmed shortly before his passing, this is the last documentary directed by the beloved Jimmy DeYoung.
Featuring Author Ken Timmerman, Retired Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis, Pastor Shahram Hadian, TV Host Brannon Howse, Sheriff Jim Hammond, Former Sheriff Dr. Rich Schmidt, Bible Professor Dave James, and Bible Teacher Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr.
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Our Need for Revival
That's My King
Within Our Reach
We're losing our children at an alarming rate, A study done in 2019 showed that nearly two-thirds of 18 to 29-year-olds in the US who grew up in church, and were active as a child or teen, have now withdrawn from church involvement as an adult. More recent studies show that
number to be as high a...