God Enjoys The Impossible with Otto Koning
Embassy Media
1h 0m
Does God get worried when situations get tough? Do angels scratch their heads to find a solution to a child’s “impossible” request? In this inspiring message, Otto Koning dramatically illustrates the power of prayer to change the situation. From national fears of an invading army to the bedside of an ill little girl, God loves to show His power in tremendous ways.
Get a new perspective on the stories of Gideon and the army of Median, Elijah and the prophets of Baal, Asa and the army of the Ethiopians, and many more. Also hear the story of a poor boy with broken eggs who believed that God could do anything.
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God still looks for stewards, on whose behalf He may show Himself strong, and use in miraculous ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Before sharing his heart for the unreached people groups of the world, Otto Koning shares several examples of how God rewards us when we make the choice to lo...