Kingdom Come
In the model prayer that Christ gave to His followers, He taught us to pray for the Father's Kingdom to come. Should we still be praying that? Or, as some teach, has God's Kingdom already come, and are we in that "Kingdom Now"?
Is the United States in Bible Prophecy Full Documentary
1 season
One of the most asked questions about Bible prophecy answered. Some of the first European settlers came hoping to establish a "New Israel." In later generations, many students of the Bible have wondered if this country can be found in the prophetic Scriptures. Dr. Jimmy DeYoung examines both hist...
Pulled From the Burning
His church wasn’t the world’s fastest-growing. It was just a few dozen people and Pastor Ken was discouraged. He wanted God to do something - and the last thing he expected was a plane crash that would leave him the sole survivor. Yet through it, God would change his life, his church, and his fam...
Ready to Rebuild
One of Dr. Jimmy DeYoung's first and most popular videos covered how the Jewish people in Israel were "Ready to Rebuild" the Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Now join Jimmy as he takes a look back on the plans they had made 20 years ago and the current progress they have made on the prepa...
Revival: with Harold Vaughan
At the beginning of his ministry, Harold Vaughan set out on a journey to answer the question: what sparks a revival, and how can we see it today? This led him to Northern Ireland to experience what God did in the past. Come with Harold and find out how we can see a revival again.
Jimmy DeYoung: Destiny of America
God established America with a purpose in mind - to have the prophetic scenario of God's Word come to fulfillment. But the United States is not mentioned in Bible prophecy. Since America is not mentioned in Bible prophecy, we must ask a question - How does America disappear?
Filmed shortly befor...
Revelation Walk Thru
Follow Jimmy DeYoung throughout the Land of the Bible as he teaches from the most important of all prophetic Bible books, the book of Revelation
The Great Awakening
By the early 1700s, the New England colonists forsook their Pilgrim heritage and desire for religious freedom and instead pursued material success. In the midst of this spiritual deadness, God intervened and effected a drastic change—the Great Awakening. Beginning with the preaching of Jonathan E...
Rome Rising
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung examines the historical Roman Empire and looks at the revival of the Roman Empire that is prophesied in God's Word. Shot on location in Jerusalem, Ephesus, and Rome: Rome Rising will shed light on how current events are setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Learn how Protestant leaders John Wycliffe, Martin Luther and William Tyndale brought the Bible to the masses to combat ignorance during the dark ages
Esau and the Palestinians
Join Dr. Jimmy DeYoung as he explores the Rose Red City of Petra, Jordan, and shares insights on the history of the Palestinian people, and traces their roots back to Esau, the twin brother of Jacob.
Ken Connolly: Heal our Land
2 items
Ken Connolly delivers this stirring two-part examination of the Revival of 1859, including important historical examples and a biblical definition of true revival. Here are some excerpts: “What is a revival?” asks Connolly. “It is the sovereign, sudden, selective, sensational operation of the Spi...
Let Them Hear
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung examines the final message that Christ gave His Church through the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches of Revelation. Travel with Jimmy on location to the land of Turkey, where those churches once met and read those letters directly from Christ through the Apostle John.
A Nation Adrift
From the founding of America to the Civil War to FDR to the present, learn how the entirety of United States history is owed to the work of God. (1995)
Presidents, Politics, and Prophecy
For over 4,000 years of human history, God has used human government and political leaders to fulfill His will. Just as God has used seven Gentile world powers throughout history, in the last 45 years God has also used seven U.S. presidents to set the stage for the fulfillment of the end times sc...