Creation Quest Minutes
Creation Quest is a creation-based organization dedicated to getting young people excited about the scientific evidence that is in harmony with God's Word!
Pat Roy, is the co-founder of Creation Quest along with his wife, Sandy and two kids Summer, and Melody. Pat spent 12 years as the radio producer of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR). He began at ICR when Ken Ham was in charge of the radio department. When Ken left, Pat became the Director of Broadcast media.
During that time, he and his wife, Sandy, created Jonathan Park, a kid's radio drama which put all that Pat had learned and continued to learn about 7 day literal creation into a format kids could understand and enjoy. From there, Pat and Sandy created Creation Quest. This is an organization doing everything in their power to give families a Biblical and scientific case for Genesis 1 as well as sharing the Gospel.
Seahorse Aquarium Minute
Otter Aquarium Minute
Porkfish Aquarium Minute
Panamic Sergeant Major Aquarium Minute
Oyster Catcher Aquarium Minute
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Aquarium Minute
Manta Ray Aquarium Minute
Jellyfish Aquarium Minute
Flatfish Aquarium Minute
Leopard Shark Aquarium Minute
Flamboyant Cuttlefish Aquarium Minute
Dolphin Aquarium Minute
Decorator Crab Aquarium Minute
Blue Rockfish Aquarium Minute
Butterfly Fish Aquarium Minute
Bigfin Reef Squid Aquarium Minute
African Penguin Aquarium Minute